About Me

I'm Bekir Bostancı, a passionate software and robotics engineer with a strong background in fleet management systems, autonomous robot development, and real-time data visualization. My expertise bridges the gap between hardware, software, and cutting-edge algorithms, helping businesses optimize their operations through advanced robotics solutions.

Professional Experience

  • Software Engineer at Kinexon (Munich, Germany) – 06/2024 - Present
    Front-end and back-end development for fleet management systems using Vue, TypeScript, Python, Kafka, and Postgres. Contributed to migrating monolithic architectures into microservices.
  • Software Engineer at Filics GmbH (Munich, Germany) – 10/2022 - 06/2024
    Developed a VDA5050-compliant fleet manager with features like traffic management, order scheduling, and charge optimization. Worked with TypeScript, NestJS, GraphQL, and Python for real-time communication and system testing on real robots.
  • Robotics Software Engineer at Advoard Robotics (Izmir, Turkey) – 09/2020 - 10/2022
    Developed global planners and custom fleet management systems with C++ and Python. Migrated ROS packages from ROS1 to ROS2, improving real-time communication for robots.
  • Junior Robotics Software Engineer at TÜBİTAK 3501 Project (Izmir, Turkey) – 12/2019 - 12/2021
    Focused on localization algorithms using Extended Kalman Filters and Particle Filters for real-time robot communication and ROS2 migration.


  • MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Izmir University of Economics (2020 - 2023)
  • BSc in Electrical Engineering – Izmir University of Economics (2016 - 2020)

Publications & Research

  • LiDAR and UWB-Based Source Localization Algorithms for Autonomous Robots – ELECO 2019
  • Extended Kalman Filter-Based Localization with UWB and Odometry – IEEE SIU 2020
  • Novel Docking Algorithm Using LiDAR and V-Shape Features – European Journal of Science and Technology
  • Face Detection and Tracking with AI – HORA 2021
  • Kalman Filter for Lead-Acid Battery State of Charge Estimation – ICEEE 2021

Technical Skills

Category Technologies
Languages Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++, Rust
Frameworks Vue 3, NestJS, ROS1 & ROS2, Kafka
Databases Postgres, MongoDB, TimescaleDB
Tools Docker, Git, GraphQL, ROS1 & ROS2, MQTT


  • English – Advanced
  • German – Beginner

Personal Projects


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